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We enable our clients to gain knowledge +

clarity + vision

What we do
We deliver insights & coaching
individuals + brands
care about

We believe that people & societal insights should always be at the core of all strategies -

commercial or creative. 

We work with individuals, international global brands and SMEs to deliver inspiring bespoke projects and programmes with a vision.

We mix research + strategy + storytelling

How can we help you?

We are a multifaceted consultancy, specialised in 4 main areas of expertise.

Vanessa is our Lead Strategist, Senior Facilitator and Executive Coach.

She is involved in all projects and works in collaboration

with experts from her trusted professional network when needed.

We all believe in simplicity, excellence and fabulous results!


Delivering future insights on consumer and strategic topics to enable successful commercial, marketing & people planning

Key topics covered: 2020-2025 future insights, generational behaviours and values, future of work and more


Providing a safe space for individuals, managers and executives & their teams to find clarity, re/define their purpose, gain perspective, find solutions to complex challenges, work on self-confidence and awareness, navigate transitions and much more




Delivering upon the belief that the right timing + creative & commercial strategies inspire demand for a product/service, we work with you to transform your sales pitch or support at sales launch events  to make your brand stand out!


Raising awareness on the benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

in the form of team workshops + keynote presentations to actively change mindsets + behaviours

Key topics covered: unconscious bias, belonging strategies and more

We are versatile, intuitive + committed

Projects examples + testimonials

Achieving excellence with great clients 

Women's leadership workshops at Levi Strauss & Co offices in Brussels

'Fully 100% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that her presentation was effective, and positive reactions to her presentation came up in over a dozen open-ended comments throughout the survey. Respondents described her talk as 'amazing, inspiring and life-changing.' 

Extract of post-event survey

Keynote on sustainability for the Amsterdam Fashion Institute + Circular economy 'Beyond Green, designing the future of fashion' 


'In stark contrast to the usual doom & gloom tales regarding the state of the world, Vanessa instead exuded of joie de vivre (joy of living). A true gem, Vanessa painted a whole new world of magic and disruption that had the audience rolling. For Vanessa, it is "not about buying something, it's about being something." Thinking along the path of Now-New-Next, she outlined the need to deconstruct the current, be brave, and disrupt to ultimately make our dreams a reality.'

Circular Economy news team

Casa Loewe Store Team Induction in London + Madrid

'Just wanted to let you know that the team are getting 

stronger and stronger with each day that passes.

They continue to surprise and delight 

us every day.

Thank you 🙏 


We will never forget the experience we had with you'

Previous Store Director, Casa Loewe London

Growth mindset' workshops

Mastered Live Events

in London + Athens 

'Thank you for the inspiration! Best way to keep the right mindset and raise the bar higher while focussing on the good ;). Loved your spirit, we all need a Vanessa in our lives!'” Hairstylist, Mastered Accelerator student

'Vanessa has a very direct, thoughtful and "no BS" style of interacting, always helpful when you are trying to improve your behaviour or learning curve to explore new business ideas.  She can effectively teach the tools needed to focus on trends, therefore we explore learning opportunities to further our relevance as brands, artists and humans.'

Accessories designer, Mastered Accelerator student

Series of Zoom Virtual workshops with 40 LVMHGroup Brands & HR female leaders

'Overall, over 85% of respondents scored the workshop as 'Very good' or 'Excellent', with 890% of respondents saying that they would recommend the workshop to friends or colleagues. Respondents described the workshop as 'very relevant, very useful with concepts/models that can be applied straight away, an opportunity for self-reflection, engaging and lively. A great comment was 'Vanessa was able to bring a lot of good energy through the session - which can be very tough to do virtually! The session was still interactive and the small group meant the session stayed true to its purpose as a group coaching session'' 

Extract of post-event survey

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